For verified licensed professionals
.PRO registration is open to all businesses, professionals, and other entities across the globe. Immediately communicate credentials to clients with a .PRO domain name. A .PRO domain name tells the world that the site owner is a verified licensed professional and helps establish trust online.
Build Your Great Web Site
It is the time has finally come for you to build a great Web site you've been dreaming about.
Mintac.com has everything you need, back you with world class equipment, proprietary software,
and 24-hour technical support. Our wide offering of web hosting plans and wealth of features
give you complete solutions to satisfy your needs.
In order to get your Web site up and running, you'll need to
- Register a domain name.
- Deliver the highest levels of trust and security to your Web Site.
- Find a hosting plan to fit your particular needs.
- Design your site and pages to present information in a way that readers find immediately useful.
- Promote your site getting everyone knows it exists.